Friday, August 28, 2009

Golf Swing Techniques

In order to master the real golf swing techniques there are only two guiding principles that need to be followed: rhythm and balance. Should you control these two, you may give great hits even with an imperfect golf swing. By rhythm, in the definition of golf swing techniques, we refer to the ability to repeat the same movement on a consistent basis and at a specific speed rate. As for balance in golf swing techniques, it is actually obvious when there is body stability. The perfect balance is achieved when the weight is evenly distributed on the feet.

How can you tell that a player masters the golf swing techniques? Well it is really simple for someone who can analyze the move from one end to the other. Watch a professional golf player right when the hit is complete. The finish always shows if there is balance and proves whether one knows the golf swing technique. You should be able to hold your position for a count of three. If that is not possible, then you don’t have a firm knowledge of the golf swing techniques and the shots you send may very well be errant. That really doesn’t work too well for your ego, does it?

One of the most common mistakes that could prevent one from mastering the golf swing techniques is over-swinging. Many players who try to get longer shots believe that with a longer arc, the speed of the club will increase. A very unfortunate golf swing technique is to over-swing and send the club-head in a totally wrong swing plane. Therefore, don’t take the club farther back than you can turn your shoulders. The best way to learn the correct golf swing technique is not to force the muscles of the arms into a movement that doesn’t match that of the body.

Set a daily practice drill to achieve the proper results in terms of golf swing techniques. This should train your muscles for a wider stretch and an improved control to create the arc you want without over-swinging. Moreover, a well-documented site such as Secret Tips help you improve the golf swing techniques that you are already using. You’ll be surprised that with proper practice you’ll have the tendency to develop some sort of independence when it comes to the golf swing techniques, and you will feel more in control of your game.


"Amazing! Discover the Breakthrough Golf System Guaranteed to Decrease Your Handicap by 7 - 12 Strokes in ONLY 1 Week!

From: {Your Name}

Looking for the fastest way to lower your handicap? Well, then read on, because I've figured it out, and I'm about to share my secrets with you.

The information that I am about to share with you is completely guaranteed, and the best part is that you can try it absolutely free.

  • You will find a step-by-step guide with detailed photos that will teach you the correct way to grip the club. Instructions for the interlocking and the overlapping grip are included. This will let you experiment to see what works best for YOU.
  • Learn a method to check that you grip the club in the same manner for every shot to promote consistency.
  • Learn a detailed procedure that will ensure that your grip promotes straight ball flight, and not a hook or a slice.
  • Learn a secret on how to align the club face so that you don't push the ball right. This is a problem that many golfers face, but luckily it is an easy one to fix.
  • Discover an easy method to hit more greens. It's not difficult once you have the correct information.
  • Learn the revolutionary setup. "The Simple Golf Swing" setup allows you to swing around your spine. The key is to limit the amount of horizontal and vertical body movement during the swing. This setup will automatically give you the correct swing plane that promotes consistency and power. It's given to you in a step-by-step procedure that is easy to remember on the course.

Click here to Cut 7 Strokes from your Handicap in Only 1 Week

David personally guarantees results like Alan got below. When you learn more about "The Simple Golf Swing" on David's site, you'll see that this email was sent on Sept. 15th, 2005 - and you'll also see literally hundreds of other success stories just like Alan.

Listen to Alan!

"Immediately Cut 7 - 10 Strokes"

Date: 9-15-2005


I purchased your book online a few months ago. I haven't taken the time to read the information until this past weekend. Having only read the information and not practicing any of your methodology I decided to put it all to the test, "cold turkey" if you will, yesterday.

I am a nine handicap and play only about once a week. My biggest disappointment with my golf game is my inconsistency. Well, I teed it up yesterday after devouring your book and making mental notes. Needless to say my very first tee-shot was a little on the rough side, not bad by any means just not what I was accustom too. Second shot was to 10 feet from the pin and I am putting for a birdie. I made par and could not have been more pleased. I proceeded to make 14 pars yesterday and 4 bogeys on my way to, for me, a stellar 76...even with one penalty stroke.

This is with NO PRACTICE Dave and just pure desire to implement your methods. I had to fight-off some old bad-habits during the round but I have no doubt that I have embarked on a golf swing that I can simply and easily repeat over and over and over. My golfing partners were already counting their winnings when I told them what I was about to do. Needless to say my winnings managed to pay for the cost of your book and more. It all seemed a bit odd at first but I did manage to trust my swing and your methods and the results were terrific. I know my confidence will soar as I begin to practice and better master this simple golf swing as well.

This is golf as it is meant to be played. A simple set-up, a couple simple swing thoughts and "poof" a simple but VERY productive golf swing yielding terrific results.

Best regards,

Alan Doll
Gering, Nebraska

What Should You Do Now to Cut Strokes from Your Game

If you want to Cut strokes from your game, the quickest way I know of is by using "The Simple Golf Swing". It truly is simple, and you can learn it in no time flat. The best part about this book is that it's a system, so that you can check yourself against David's mechanics.

Wishing You Lots Of Golfing Success

{your name}

Click here to Cut 7 Strokes from your Handicap in Only 1 Week